Navigating the 2024 Election Year in CX

2024 is not just an election year. It is quite possibly The election year. Globally, more voters than ever in history will head to polls as at least 64 countries, representing about 49% of the people in the world, are due to hold national elections. (Source)

The results, especially for us here in the UK, and across the US and SA, will prove consequential for years to come. Deloitte’s data show that 50% of respondents rated the level of external financial and economic uncertainty facing their business as high or very high in Q4 2023, up from 46% in Q3 but down from 61% in Q4 2022.(Source)

Whatever the outcomes, uncertain times present both opportunities and challenges and as an industry we need to remain focussed on customers and EX, to drive growth and success through technology innovation and investment in our people.

What does the report include?

  • Global Political Landscape and Economic Impact
  • Consequences for the CX and Contact Centre Industry
  • Technology and Innovation as Drivers of Change
  • Regulatory Challenges and Opportunities
  • Economic Uncertainty and Consumer Behaviour
  • Strategic Imperatives for CX Providers:
    • Flexibility and Scalability
    • Innovation and Customer Engagement
    • Regulatory Compliance and Advocacy
    • Employee Training and Support

It also includes showcase pages from: Ascensos, ArvatoConnect, Nutun, CapeBPO, WNS, Custerian, CA Recruitment Group, Concentrix, Yoummday, Douglas Jackson, The Customer First Group, Contact Centre Innovator, Ventrica, DigitalGenius, Medallia, Route 101, Channel Doctors.

Navigate the Election Year in CX

The election year of 2024 presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for the CX and Contact Centre industry. By focusing on technological integration, regulatory compliance, and adaptive customer engagement strategies, companies can not only survive but thrive in this dynamic and challenging environment. The ability to swiftly adapt to the outcomes of these global elections will be a definitive factor in the success of CX providers in the upcoming years.

Explore the Global Political Landscape and the Strategic Imperative for CX Providers

Explore the Global Political Landscape and the Strategic Imperative for CX Providers Download our report now to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions for your business.

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